Henan Xinyao Graphite Products Co., Ltd.

[email protected] +8619839907106


Rigid Graphite Felt

  • Rigid Graphite Felt – Thermal Insulation Materials for Industrial Furnaces
  • High temperature stability.
  • Low thermal conductivity coefficient, good thermal insulation effect.
  • Ablative resistance and thermal shock resistance.

Rigid Graphite Felt Description

Rigid graphite felt has excellent ablative resistance, thermal shock resistance, airflow erosion resistance, good high temperature insulation effect and high temperature stability, etc. It is widely used in most high-end markets, including solar energy industry, semiconductor monocrystalline silicon industry, artificial crystal industry, optical fiber industry, high temperature vacuum sintering furnaces, heat treatment furnace, etc.

Rigid graphite felt is a thermal insulation material that is based on soft graphite felt and then formed by using a small amount of binder to composite any shape (for example, barrel, disk, cuboid) after high-temperature graphitization treatment. It can effectively improvs the original working environment and operability. Besides, it can also have different surface coating treatments upon request to meet the needs of various applications. Compared with soft felt, its fume forming rate is significantly reduced, thereby extending its service life.

Rigid graphite felt is generally divided into pitch-based rigid graphite felt, PAN-based rigid graphite felt and rayon-based rigid graphite felt.

In addition to rigid felt based on soft graphite felt, we also have a new type of rigid graphite felt made from a laminated material composed of fiber filaments and binder, which is then graphitized at high temperatures to form a complete felt.

Rigid Graphite Felt Features

Rigid graphite felt can withstand high temperature treatment (about 2250 °C and above), and has low shrinkage and low volatile emission.
Low ash content and high purity, high purity rigid felt after purification has an ash content of less than 20 ppm, which ensures the purity of thermal field.
Low thermal conductivity, good thermal insulation effect, energy saving, and good consistency of product quality.
Fiber matrix to ensure uniform thermal insulation effect and good high temperature stability.

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